But even after weeks of official campaigning, and months of maneuvering prior to that, there is still plenty of disinformation floating around.
The Australian Electoral Commission urges voters to consider the source of all information they come across, but online falsehoods seeking to undermine trust in Australia's electoral system are a sadly durable feature of the modern political landscape.
These are some of the ones - largely drawn from social media - the AEC has debunked in the lead-up to the October 14 referendum.
Postal voting isn't safe
This is a claim that has gained volume after COVID-19-affected elections, particularly in the US, saw record numbers of postal votes sent.
But the AEC said Australia's postal votes system had many levels of security, including security marks on the ballots, checking against the voter roll, and counting in secure AEC facilities, before multiple levels of scrutiny.
Votes in pencil will be literally rubbed out
"The AEC provides pencils as they do not smudge when a ballot paper is folded, they can be stored and re-used from one event to the next, they don't run dry in tropical locations and they are cheaper than other implements."
That's the AEC's down-the-line response as to why pencils are provided at voting centres.
But you can always bring your own pen for peace of mind, and use that.
The AEC also points out that polling officials are never alone with ballot papers.
How Australia voted in all 44 of the nation's referendums
The vote is illegitimate, part one - the writ and seal
This claim posits that the writ for the referendum was not issued with the Great Seal of the Commonwealth and that the writ must be displayed at all polling places.
The AEC pointed out that the writ for the referendum was issued by the governor-general in accordance with the relevant Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984.
The Act does not demand the writ be displayed in polling places.
Roll stacking
Other claims on social media accused the AEC of "roll stacking" due to increased numbers of voters going on the roll ahead of the vote.
But the updating of Australia's electoral roll, to account for deaths, changes of address, comings of age, new citizenships, and so on, is a continuous process.
The AEC also sends letters to people they believe need to update their enrolment.
"The roll moves every day - and increases continuously - in line with increasing population and changes in people's circumstances," the AEC said.
Two questions on the ballot
Traced back to posts on X, Facebook, and Telegram, this conspiracy theory claims the ballot paper will have two questions on it, and that the answer to one could override the other.
The AEC confirmed - as can early and postal voters - that there is only one question on the paper.
It runs as follows:
"A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?"
Why weren't the official pamphlets fact-checked?
The AEC distributed the official Yes and No arguments in a pamphlet after both cases had been finalised by the campaign committees.
The AEC does not fact-check the veracity of political claims, which would violate its non-partisan function.
The vote is illegitimate, part two - Constitutional chicanery
Another conspiracy theory traced back to the ever-fertile swamps of social media, this one claims that the Constitution of Australia has been invalid since 1973, when the government changed Queen Elizabeth II's title to Queen of Australia.
The High Court of Australia has agreed the parliamentary bill doing so is Constitutionally valid, and the Queen herself signed it in 1973.
The AEC is campaigning for...
The AEC does not campaign for anything except voter enrolment and participation.
The body has not advocated for a Yes or a No vote.
Emphasis on Indigenous voters helps the Yes campaign
The AEC has focused on increased Indigenous electoral enrolment since at least 2010.
It received funding in 2021 to step up this enrolment, as at the time Indigenous enrolment was estimated at 81.7 per cent, behind the national level of 97 per cent.
Indigenous enrolment has increased ahead of the Voice vote to record levels of 94.1 per cent, but so did youth enrolment (to 91.4 per cent) and overall enrolment (97.7 per cent).
'No' votes will be discarded and the whole thing is rigged
Independent scrutineers supervise the count, which involves a massive workforce of over 100,000 temporary staff working under the direction of AEC officials.
Recent scrutiny has also been applied to why a tick may be counted as a Yes vote, whereas a cross will be discarded as informal.
Following decades of precedent and indeed the law, the AEC must try to count votes that appear unambiguous even if instructions on the paper have not been properly followed, and a tick is thought to be less ambiguous than a cross.
But the papers do instruct people to write legibly, in full, in English, "Yes" or "No".
You don't have to vote
Unlike the marriage equality plebiscite, which was not run by the AEC, the referendum plays by election rules.
If you are eligible to vote, you must - or you get a fine.
Special enrolment is required to vote
See above.
Your regular enrolment for voting in elections and by-elections serves to put you on the roll for the referendum.