A Darwin family has been forced to seek alternate accommodation due to the state of its public housing dwelling.
Cockroaches have infiltrated the premises over what the family claims is a bungled building job on the kitchen.
Paul Willis has lived there for 15 years and claims public housing is not stepping up to fix the issues.
His wife suffers from a number of medical conditions and is currently living with her daughter due to the state of the home while Paul sleeps in his car.
"We've got no money and for three days we've had no where to live," he said.
The kitchen is being replaced for the third time since he has lived at the home.
A slope of in kitchen means water is able to run down and behind the bench tops.
"The whole kitchen is actually sitting in a swamp," Willis said.
"I told them last time they were replacing it."
Rodents now line the walls where the kitchen used to be, clusters laying dead on the floor.
But Willis claims despite repeated complaints and advising government bodies that the slab of the kitchen needs to be fixed, his concerns aren't being addressed.
"It all goes back to that one office who seem to think they can do what they want and that that is acceptable and it's not," he said.
"I'm not moving out of this house, they are fixing it."
Department members did eventually visit Willis' home on Thursday morning.
While he waits for a timeframe on the repairs, the pest problem still plagues his home.
The Department of Territory Families told 9News Willis' property will have a new kitchen installed.
"Contractors will be engaged to complete the work as soon as possible," a spokesperson said.
"We will continue to work with the tenant to provide him with suitable temporary accommodation while the refurbishment is being completed."
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