Sydney's nightlife could be revived by a push from the Minns Government to "remove the red tape" from entertainment venues.
The statewide reforms, which have been put forward to Parliament, would address six major areas currently affecting nightlife, including noise complaint laws, coordinated entertainment precincts, outdoor drinking legislation, the nighttime economy/workers and licencing laws.
The proposed changes are due to be fully implemented before summer this year, and would streamline the noise complaint process to one agency, rather than the current seven agencies that accept noise complaints
Venues would also be protected from single and repeated noise complaints submitted under the proposed laws.
Under the current laws, a venue can be shut down following a single noise complaint.
"As a government we know we need to change the laws in this state to value music, to value creativity, to support community and to bring back vibrancy," John Graham, Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy, said in a statement.
"We want to create a safe and diverse set of options for people when they go out, to go to a pub, to see a show, to get a late-night meal."
"We want to activate our streets – see people milling on pavements after an exhibition or show, or dancing in the streets at a festival."
A new 24-hour Economy Commissioner will work to implement the new laws while ensuring Sydney nightlife remains safe.
The Commissioner will also work towards a thriving 24-hour Sydney, as well as address the needs of nighttime workers.
Licensing rules will also change if the overhaul is successful, meaning a "common-sense" approach will apply to liquor regulation and licencing procedure.
"If you speak to any venue, they'll tell you the regulatory frameworks for sound management and liquor licensing are incredibly confusing and complex and prevent them from trading at their full potential," Minister for Gaming and Racing David Harris said in a statement.
"Our reforms slash red tape and streamline processes so businesses can focus on what's important– delivering a great experience for their customers
The reforms will also look at expanding the use of outdoor areas in venues, as well as providing entertainment precincts in local council areas.