A family-owned business in Adelaide has been damaged after a 17-year-old P-plater allegedly lost control of a car while drink-driving.
The Denture Clinic at Hove was partly reduced to rubble after it was hit by the car, leading to the wall collapsing at about 1.30am today.
Dentist Oli Joslin scrambled to tidy up the mess before patients arrived.
"I spent all of last night cleaning it up because the whole wall was exposed here," Joslin said.
"Anyone could have come in and grabbed a computer or TV."
Police said they found the teenager on Patricia Road moments after the crash.
The 17-year-old P-plater allegedly returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.140.
The legal limit for provisional drivers is zero.
The crash was one of the two alleged incidents of high-range drink-driving in Adelaide overnight,
A motorcyclist was allegedly caught travelling at 120km/h on Diagonal Road at Warradale about 8.30pm yesterday, with the limit on the stretch being 60km/h.
The 29-year-old from Glenelg North has lost his licence for 12 months and will face court.