Australians anticipate tax return time with an equal sense of dread and excitement for the possible refund despite the pain of paperwork, but this year's may be smaller than expected.
Lodging a tax return usually comes with the hope there will be a return as in previous years - like 2021 - there was an average return of $2800.
This year is different with smaller than anticipated returns and even some workers being slugged with a bill despite cost of living pressures being at an all-time high.
What changed?
Two things have changed including the low and middle-income tax offset (LMITO) being cut and fewer working-from-home claims.
"The LMITO was a temporary tax offset that reduced the amount taxpayers had to pay to the ATO based on their income," supervisor at UNSW Tax and Business Advisory Clinic Helen Lam explained.
"It was designed to provide some financial relief to people with lower to middle incomes due to bracket creep.
"This tax offset applied to people who earned up to $126,000 and the offset varied based on how much you earned.
"For example, taxpayers earning between $37,000 and $90,000, the offset was $1500, which meant the amount of tax payable for the financial year for such taxpayers was reduced by $1500."
There has also been a return to the office after COVID-19 meaning there are fewer working from home claims.
"As COVID happened and more taxpayers moved to remote working from home, the ATO introduced the $0.80 'shortcut' method to cover all costs including energy use, mobile phone, internet, depreciation on furniture and computer equipment, and stationery," Lam said.
But for the 2022 to 2023 year, the tax office changed the work-from-home pricing to 0.67 cents per hour and it doesn't include furniture and computer equipment depreciation.
The changes come as Australia moves to a post-COVID-19 world, with working from home and the LMITO tax offset introduced to boost workers during a turbulent economic period.
"As the economic landscape gradually returns to pre-pandemic norms, the impact on tax refunds becomes more pronounced, emphasising the need for individuals to proactively seek guidance to get the most of tax time," Associate Professor in the School of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation at UNSW Ann Kayis-Kumar said.
Why it might not be a bad thing?
Despite many Australians being disappointed by the smaller tax returns this year, Kayis-Kumar explained getting money back isn't necessarily a good thing.
"It means the ATO has been holding onto your money over the year," she said.
She added paying money to the ATO might not be a bad thing either.
"It means you're earning more money than most other Australians," she added.
What to watch out for?
Lam said taxpayers need to let their private health insurance provider know if their income changes to align with the rebate - meaning monthly premiums might be higher.
If they don't, it could mean taxpayers have to pay back the rebate when they lodge the tax return.
If taxpayers work two jobs and claim the tax-free threshold on both, they might get a higher tax bill at the end of the year as the second employer hasn't withheld enough tax.
It is also important to be up to date on taxes to avoid being charges interest and penalties.