Car crash news & alerts

This is a news collection page about car crashes, including the latest alerts, videos, dashcams and photos from incidents near you. In 2017 there were 1,224 deaths on Australian roads, according to the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development (DIRD). This is more than three people a day. The social impacts of carnage on our roads is devastating, and since records of road fatalities started in 1925 there has been more than 190,000 deaths in Australia. The economic cost of car crashes in Australia is monstrous, estimated to be $27 billion a year, the DIRD states. Factors contributing to the risk of crashes include driver impairment due to drugs or alcohol, speeding, street racing, vehicle design, road safety and other environmental factors. Get the latest car crash reports alerts from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth as well as rural and regional Australia.