A Queensland retiree and her dog have been forced to live in her car amidst the rising cost of living.
Susannah Tuxford, 78, who retired in 2014 after starting working at age 14 and paying taxes for more than 50 years, has had to resort to sleeping in her car in Beenleigh, with rental prices having become too expensive.
She told 9News the federal government didn't offer her help when she reached out.
"I pay all that money, all those years and the government isn't helping anybody like me," Tuxford said.
Local charities drop off sandwiches for her to eat, but her lack of amenities has left her feeling "embarrassed".
"I didn't have a shower for two weeks, I just went in the bathroom, and [used] the hand basin there," she told 9News.
Tuxford has no family left in Australia and says she doesn't have any other choice than to live alone in her car.
"How have we reached this point in Queensland when somebody has paid taxes all their lives in her golden years, because of a lack of housing investment, has to live in a park," Queensland Opposition Leader David Crisafulli said.
9News contacted Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon to try and get Tuxford into a home.
She was offered a place in an aged care facility following 9News' inquiry, but Tuxford says she doesn't need aged care, she just needs a roof over her head.