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DARWIN Weather
34Mostly sunny
Feels like33
- Rain chance: 30%
- Wind: NW 13km/h
- Rainfall: 0mm
- Humidity: 35%
- UV Alert: Extreme
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Weather warnings
Heatwave Warning
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology TOP PRIORITY FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Heatwave Warning Issued at 01:47 PM CST on Wednesday 25 October 2023 Warning for the following areas: Tiwi Warning for the following areas: Daly and Arnhem The NT Department of Health advises everyone in the affected areas to take the following actions: Extreme heatwaves can be dangerous for everyone. Severe heatwaves can be dangerous for many people, especially older people, babies, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with medical conditions and people who are unwell. Seek a place to keep cool, such as your home, a library, community centre or shopping centre. Close your windows and draw blinds, curtains or awnings early in the day to keep the heat out of your home. If available, use fans or air-conditioners to keep cool. No further warnings will be issued for this event.Heatwave Warning
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology TOP PRIORITY FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Heatwave Warning Issued at 01:47 PM CST on Wednesday 25 October 2023 Warning for the following areas: Tiwi Warning for the following areas: Daly and Arnhem The NT Department of Health advises everyone in the affected areas to take the following actions: Extreme heatwaves can be dangerous for everyone. Severe heatwaves can be dangerous for many people, especially older people, babies, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with medical conditions and people who are unwell. Seek a place to keep cool, such as your home, a library, community centre or shopping centre. Close your windows and draw blinds, curtains or awnings early in the day to keep the heat out of your home. If available, use fans or air-conditioners to keep cool. No further warnings will be issued for this event.Heatwave Warning
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology TOP PRIORITY FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Heatwave Warning Issued at 01:47 PM CST on Wednesday 25 October 2023 Warning for the following areas: Tiwi Warning for the following areas: Daly and Arnhem The NT Department of Health advises everyone in the affected areas to take the following actions: Extreme heatwaves can be dangerous for everyone. Severe heatwaves can be dangerous for many people, especially older people, babies, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with medical conditions and people who are unwell. Seek a place to keep cool, such as your home, a library, community centre or shopping centre. Close your windows and draw blinds, curtains or awnings early in the day to keep the heat out of your home. If available, use fans or air-conditioners to keep cool. No further warnings will be issued for this event.Heatwave Warning
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology TOP PRIORITY FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Heatwave Warning Issued at 01:47 PM CST on Wednesday 25 October 2023 Warning for the following areas: Tiwi Warning for the following areas: Daly and Arnhem The NT Department of Health advises everyone in the affected areas to take the following actions: Extreme heatwaves can be dangerous for everyone. Severe heatwaves can be dangerous for many people, especially older people, babies, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with medical conditions and people who are unwell. Seek a place to keep cool, such as your home, a library, community centre or shopping centre. Close your windows and draw blinds, curtains or awnings early in the day to keep the heat out of your home. If available, use fans or air-conditioners to keep cool. No further warnings will be issued for this event.
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