Daylight saving information

Daylight saving is the process where the local time for the state may change one hour forward or backwards. In Australia, this happens in the following states: New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia but does not happen in Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia.
The change happens twice a year and the general rule is every first Sunday in October (going towards summer) the time moves forward one hour, so at 2am October 4, 2020, the time instantly becomes 3am. So it feels as if we 'lose an hour'.
The reverse happens every first Sunday in April (going towards winter) the time moves backward one hour, so at 2am April 4, 2021, the time instantly becomes 1am. So it feels as if we 'gain an hour'. This is why many say that we get an extra hour of sleep through winter.
Check this page for information about daylight saving with any updates or changes to different states and rules.
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When clocks change for daylight saving
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When does Daylight Saving end?
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