Australia's Antarctic explorers often say your first expedition is for the excitement, your second trip is for the money. The third time you go? You must be crazy.
More than 100 dolphins have died in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest in the past week as the region grapples with a severe drought, and many more could die soon if water temperatures remain high, experts say.
Surviving battering storms and challenges to Sealand's sovereignty in international waters since 1966, an intriguing legend tells of how one family repelled the clutches of a powerful neighbouring empire.
The finalists for the Ocean Photographer of the Year 2023 have been announced. This year's entries feature stunning wildlife encounters, spectacular seascapes and beautiful interpretations of the human-ocean connection.
Kept in captivity for more than half a century, an American orca died on Friday in Miam at the Miami Seaquarium as caregivers prepared to move her from the theme park in the near future.
There's no shortage of shark-related news in in Australia - but despite our fearful fascination with these majestic beasts, the chances of one of those needle-like teeth ever puncturing your skin are staggeringly low.
Sharks have scared us a lot this year, primarily for suspected attacks on humans - however, humans are a larger threat to sharks than sharks are to us.